Debunking Myths About Cutting Edge Strength Training at Core Progression Personal Training RiNo Denver

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Debunking Myths About Cutting Edge Strength Training at Core Progression Personal Training RiNo Denver

Core Progression Personal Training RiNo Denver is a premium gym that takes pride in developing cutting-edge strength training programs to help clients reach their fitness goals. However, there are numerous myths circulating strength training that can deter some from venturing into this beneficial workout regime. Let’s debunk these myths about Cutting Edge Strength Training at our gym.

Myth 1: Strength Training Makes You Bulky

Contrary to popular beliefs, strength training doesn’t necessarily make you bulky. Our bodies respond differently according to our genetics and diet. Important factors such as training intensity, frequency, nutrition, and rest play a significant role in determining how our bodies transform. Personal trainers at Core Progression understand these dynamics and develop personalized training programs accordingly.

Myth 2: Cardio is More Critical Than Strength Training

Cardio is crucial, but dismissing strength training as less important is fallacious. Each has its own benefits, and thereafter, opting for a balanced workout routine incorporating both is usually the ideal route to fitness. Strength training improves metabolic rates, boosts physical endurance, enhances body composition, and contributes positively to overall health and well-being.

Myth 3: Strength Training is Only for the Youth

Another common misconception is that strength training is a preserve for the ‘young’. However, age is not a barrier when it comes to strength training. In fact, strength training is highly beneficial as we age, as it’s instrumental in maintaining muscle mass, bone health, flexibility, and balance.

Here at Core Progression Personal Training RiNo Denver, we debunk these myths and more, through our scientifically backed training methods and dedicated personal trainers. You’re in capable hands when you come to us for your strength training needs.